Hello everyone and welcome to my blog, Vinzant Travels. My name is Christina Vinzant and I’m 21 years old. I thought I would tell you a little about myself so I’m not just some complete stranger. I’ve always been passionate about writing and knew I wanted to make it into my career one day; even when I was young.

I’ve always wanted to be a photojournalist and never remembered where I got the idea until recently. Last year I told my sister about a book series I used to read when I was younger. I then suggested that she should read it too and she brought something to my attention. It was Dork Diaries and the book talks about photojournalism and that’s where I got my career goal. It’s funny finding out that the thing I’ve always wanted to be came from a book I read as a kid.
Growing Up
I grew up in Oregon, surrounded by woods and wildlife; I now reside in Utah, surrounded by rocks and canyons. Let me tell you it is a huge difference and it’s taken some time to get used to; especially from seeing green everywhere to seeing red rocks and dirt. In Oregon I lived in a little town called Chiloquin, it’s a pretty small town where everyone knows everyone. I went to school with the same people I had in my kindergarten class until I moved after 8th grade.
You can imagine my surprise of going to a bigger town where you didn’t have the same people in every class. So many people to meet and avoid. I found my now best friend the first year I was in Cedar and she’s been awesome to have in my life. We don’t always get along and we bicker like siblings all the time but that’s what best friends are for!
I came to Utah and finished High School in Cedar City, and I’ve had the pleasure of discovering the unique culture that Cedar holds. Cedar City is called the festival city for a reason, it has so many fun events that happen. No matter how many times I’ve gone they are still very enjoyable.
Since Graduating High School I’ve had more time to travel; as long as I can take the time off from work. I had the amazing opportunity to go on a cruise with a friend and her family, it went to different ports in Mexico.
On the cruise is where I met my amazing boyfriend, a long and confusing story; the short story is he was a friend of my friend’s sister and came with us. Well, he was the one who inspired me to make a travel blog and he also made my website. With his support and giving me the little push I needed I am now traveling to gorgeous places and writing about them; to share what I learned or experienced.
Welcome, I can’t wait to hear from you guys!
I can’t wait to share my experiences with you guys and to hear about any place that I should travel to, along with your own experiences. I think traveling and sharing the experience is such a beautiful thing and it’s something to always treasure. So welcome and please share some funny or awesome stories you have while traveling!